Free-Wheeling Single Girl Sew-Along with Denyse Schmidt, The Next Stitch, & Sewtopia!

Free-Wheeling Single Girl Sew-Along with Denyse Schmidt, The Next Stitch, & Sewtopia!

We're extremely excited to co-host the very first Free-Wheeling Single Girl Sew-Along with Denyse Schmidt and The Next Stitch!

We'll be taking you through the updated and revised version of Denyse's witty and timeless version of a Double Wedding Ring. The pattern includes guidelines for improvising the ring piecing.  The Free-Wheeling Single Girl pattern includes easy-to-use instructions, templates (for the background pieces), and measurements to create your own Free-Wheeling Single Girl quilt in baby, twin, queen, or king sizes, and a pillow sham. 

Free-Wheeling Single Girl Sew-Along Schedule:

We'll be starting on September 10th and it will be a 6 week sew-along. This sewalong will take place on Instagram using the hashtag #freewheelingsinglegirlsal If you're sewing along make sure to follow and tag your picture so everyone can see your progress. It's also a great way to connect with others that are sewing along.

  • Week 1 - Gather your materials for the sew-along, you'll need the pattern and fabric. Sewtopia and the Next Stitch will have templates for purchase.
  • Week 2 - Cutting and piecing your rings, aim to make 8 arcs
  • Week 3 - Trimming and piecing your arcs
  • Week 4 - Cut background and construct your blocks
  • Week 5 - Catchup
  • Week 6 - Sew your blocks together for a complate quilt top!

What do you need to start?