The #SewtopiaSwap has been at each event and it’s always fun for those that choose to participate. The swap is blind, meaning that you make a swap item and then you get one back. If you’re participating in the swap, we ask that you bring it wrapped and turn the present in at the check-in. Our staff will distribute the swap items Friday night so participants will open the item Saturday morning.
Here are the general rules:
- Spending limit is $15, don’t break the bank with the swap item
- Handmade preferred but not necessary
- Bring your swap wrapped with a from tag so the recipient knows who to thank
- Don’t worry if you don’t do the swap. . . we will only hand out swap gifts to those that participated.
Ideas for swap items:
- Make something that you love, out of fabrics you adore
- Smalls category would be anything smaller than a 24×24 pillow or mini, mug rug, pin cushion, something for a sewing area, or a pouch
- If you’re on Instagram, check out the #SewtopiaSwap for ideas