When Kimberly Kight set out to ad another fruit print to her line of produce fabrics, Tomato Tomahto is where she landed. Inspired by pasta shapes, she created a folksy kitchen themed group with all the makings of a family pasta night. Kim used her favorite pinks, lavenders, butterscotch, blues, and added some yellows and reds to archieve a sunny rainbow feeling. In addition to the cotton prints, Kim designed two canvases in seven colors, perfect for totes, oven mitts, and aprons.
Kim Kight shares her love for vintae fabrics by reproducing historical prints or taking elements from their designs to create something new. Her favorite fabrics come from the mid-century period - the 1940s through '60s. She loves their quirky little designs that can be recreated in such a timeless way.
Kimberly Kight helped shape and influence the modern fabric and quilting scene in the mid 2000s with her very successful, now-shuttered blog True Up, but at heart she is a traditional quilter. From the time she started sewing she has collected vintage fabrics, scouring Ebay, thrift stores, and flea markets for the best finds. As one of the founding designers of Cottton+Steel, she took elements from these vintage fabrics and reworked them in fresh new ways for the modern sewer.